jeudi 19 mars 2009

School notre-dame's rules

First, we aren't allowed to listen to music during the lesson but we are allowed to sing during the playground .

Second, we aren't allowed to chew-gum outside but we are allowed to eat sweets outside .

Third, we aren't allowed to speak with ours friends during the lesson but we are allowed to speak with ours friends outside.

fourth, we aren't allowed to run during the playground but we are allowed to run during the sport lesson.

fifth, we aren't allowed to take food or drink into a classroom but, we are allowed to eat or drink outside.

2 commentaires:

Miss STAS a dit…

Tu sembles confondre "playground" qui est la "cour" (de récré) et "break" qui est la "récré".

Rachel a dit…

bonjour marian, merci pour le commentaire, celui étais gentil de toi, vous semble très gentil, je voudrais rester dans le contact, du rachel xxxx